Government Medical College, Srinagar

Govt Est. 1959Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

Government Medical College, Srinagar

The Government Medical College, Srinagar , is a Government Collegeestablished in the Year 1959. The College is affiliated with Kashmir University,located in Jammu & Kashmirwith an annual intake of 180seats. The college is recognized by Govt. of India and theNational Medical Commission (NMC) and is affiliated withthe University of Kashmir. Government Medical College, Srinagar offers 180 seats in MBBS and 190 seats in 18 disciplines of Postgraduate studies.

The college is spread in over a large area of 47 acres of lush green cover with College, Administrative office and Hostel building within the campus. There are very good spacious Classrooms, Lecture halls,Examination halls & Demonstration rooms. The Institute is fully equipped with clinical Laboratories, Museums and Auditorium. Library and information centeris located in a huge area with good collection of Medical Books, Indian & Foreign Journals with separate reading space for students & Teaching Staff and a Digital Library.There are facilities for Indoor and Outdoor Games and Sports. The college is located in the Karan Nagar area of Srinagar, about 1.5km from Lal Chowk. The girls' hostel is located within the campus but the boys' hostel is onekm away.

Number of Seats in MBBS Government Medical College, Srinagar
M.B.B.S.Jammu UniversityGovt.2019100

The Attached Hospital Government Medical College, Srinagar

Currently, there are eight associated hospitals of Government Medical College, Srinagar

  • SMHS (Sri Maharaja Hari Singh Hospital) also Known as Sadar Haspataal.

The SMHS Hospital, Tertiary Care Hospital was established in 1948 in Karan Nagar in the heart of Srinagar city as a government-owned general hospital to provide patient care to needy patients. The bed strength at SMHS hospital 1000+. SMHS is a tertiary-care, referral, and teaching hospitalthat provide ethical and professional clinical care and treatment across all specialties ably supported by diagnostics services that include laboratory-based, imaging, and interventional facilities that remain affordable and accessible.The hospital offers all the modern, diagnostic, and therapeutic facilities. Clinical board’s general specialties viz. Medicine, Surgery, OBG, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Anaesthesiology and Radiology, and three paraclinical departments viz. Pathology, Microbiology, and Biochemistry are working in the Hospital. With a footfall of over 5+lakh outpatients and 50000 inpatients every year, the hospital is catering to the people of J&k. This hospital not only provides excellent clinical services for a population of more than 20 lakh in surrounding but also provides excellent facilities for teaching and training of medical Under-Graduate, PostGraduate.

  • G.B Pant, Children Hospital, Sonwar Srinagar

Tertiary care and Teaching Hospital of Government Medical College, Srinagar, 254 bedded lone pediatric tertiary care hospital of the valley catering to a large number of patients not only from Kashmir valley but also from Jammu and Ladakh Divisions. Daily OPD of 800+ with 60 – 80 admissions.A joint venture between J&K Government and Ministry of Defense, Government of India/Cantonment Board Authorities.

  • Lal Ded Maternity Hospital, Hazuri Bagh Srinagar

The former State Hospital building at Hazuri Bagh was converted into a 100 Bed specialized Obstetrics & Gynaecology hospital named the Lal Ded Hospital. It has been the main maternity hospital of Kashmir since the Obstetrics & Gynaecology services in SHMS Hospital. The hospital was further expanded to the present day 500 Bed Lal-Ded Maternity Hospital. The Lal Ded Hospital is the biggest maternity hospital in our valley with a total bed strength of 500 beds. The number of outpatient department OPD patients is roughly 350- 400 per day. About 115 patients are admitted to Indoor Patients Department (IPD) averagely with about 80 obstetric and 35 gynecological ailment cases. The hospital performs 45 major and 30 minor surgeries per day. The hospital has a good laboratory backup well-established Radiology department, Laundry CSSD, and Blood Bank.

  • Psychiatric Diseases Hospital, Srinagar

Government Psychiatric Diseases Hospital was started at the site of the old asylum Srinagar Central Jail. Presently the Govt. Psychiatric Diseases Hospital, Srinagar has two components:

  1. A 100 bedded “Institute of Mental health & Neurosciences (IMHANS)” at Rainawari, Srinagar and

2. A 30 bedded “Community General Hospital Unit’’ located within SMHS premises.

  • Chest Diseases Hospital Dalgate, Srinagar
  • Bone and Joint Hospital Barzulla, Srinagar

Srinagar: Valley’s Largest Orthopaedic hospital at Barzulla, Srinagar got a big infrastructural push with the construction of state of art additional 120 bedded hospital block being constructed under the component of Strengthening of the Critical Infrastructure of the World Bank-funded JTFRP (Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project). The building has a G+4 structure with modern earthquake-resilient technology, the upgradation involves the modular operation theatres, laminar flow system, TSSU (Theatre Sterile Supply Unit), ICU, Pre& Post Operation care wards, CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Department), specialized laundry, pneumatic tube system, and waste collection system.

  • Chitranjan Mobile Hospital.

Established with an aim of providing healthcare in the far-flung areas of the Kashmir region. The hospital is meant to provide primary, secondary and tertiary care to the underprivileged masses in far-off areas.

  • Superspeciality Hospital, Shireen Bagh Key specialties at the hospital include but not limited to: Anesthesiology, Audiology, Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Dermatology, Dietetics, Dentistry, ENT, General Medicine, General Surgery, Medical Gastroenterology, Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, , Internal Medicine, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Physiotherapy, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery, Rheumatology, Spine Clinic, Surgical Gastroenterology, Urology, Vascular Surgery.

CONTACT AND OTHER DETAILS: Government Medical College, Srinagar

AddressGovernment Medical College, Srinagar 10-Karan Nagar, Srinagar - 190010 (Jammu & Kashmir) Srinagar
Phone:0194-2503114, 2503115, 2453114,2453115
E-mail:[email protected]
Admission Process

Government Medical College, Srinagar MBBS NEETUG Counseling is conducted by 1) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)( Open To All )and 2) J&K Board Of Professional Entrance Examinations (JKBOPEE)

AIQ (Medical Counselling Committee(MCC) )SQ J&K Board Of Professional Entrance Examinations (JKBOPEE)

1 ) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)(50%) (Open To All)( InternalQuota seat)

The MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)/DGHS conducts Counseling for allotment of Post Graduate (MD/MS/Diploma and MDS) seats to the NEET PG/MDS eligible and qualified candidates in participating:-

Open seats-domicile free includes:Internal quota seats include:
50% All India Quota seats
50% Seats IMS, BHU IDS, BHU50% Internal Seats IMS, BHU IDS, BHU
50%Seats of AMU (JNMC, ZADC, Aligarh)50% AMU ( Internal seats JNMC, ZADC, Aligarh)
50% All India Quota seats of DU50% DU (LHMC,UCMS, MAMC,MAIDS)
50% Central Institutes (VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, ESIC-Basaidarapur)50% seats of Internal seats of Central Institutes (VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, ESIC-Basaidarapur),
100% DNB

All the candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET PG /MDS conducted by NBE including candidates from Union Territory of J&K will be eligible. The role of MCC (Medical Counselling Committee) of DGHS is limited to allotment of seats to the participating candidates, as per their merit and choice, which starts only after receiving the list/data/Information of successful candidates from National Board of Examinations (NBE) i.e. the NEET (MDS) examination conducting body

There will be four rounds of Counseling i.e., Round 1 & Round 2, third Round & Stray Vacancy Round and all the rounds will be conducted by MCC. All candidates who have qualified for All India Quota seats on the basis of their rank in NEET MDS conducted by the National Board of Examination (NBE) will be eligible for participation in the counselling process. Eligible candidates may download the Rank letter/ Result from NBE website

Eligibility Condition:

  • The candidate should have qualified under NEET-MDS eligibility.
  • Domicile-free Counseling (Open to all)
  • Internal quota seat for AMU/BHU & Delhi University Quota
  • For this academic year2024, the internship completion date may be treated as 30th June 2024 as approved by the competent authority, MoHFW

For Delhi University Quota (MAIDS): The candidate must have passed the final M.B.B.S. examination (for MD/MS/Diploma Course) and BDS examination (for MDS Course) from the University of Delhi and must have completed a satisfactory one-year compulsory rotating internship and must submit their internship completion certificate at the time of admission. For the Reservation Policy of 50% Internals seats of AMU, there is no reservation

AMU Internal seats (ZADC, Aligarh) : An Institutional (Internal) candidate has passed the qualifying examination (MBBS/BDS as applicable) from AMU and completes his/her internship as per the dates specified by AMU authorities.

BHU Internal seat (IDS, BHU): Only those Candidates who have passed MBBS/BDS from the Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU as per the internship dates specified by IMS, BHU will be eligible, provided the Candidates have appeared and qualified in the NEET-PG / MDS Examination.

Central Institutes: The Candidates should have completed their MBBS/BDS from I.P. University (VMMC & SJH; ABVIMS & RML; Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College & Hospital, New Delhi; Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi; North Delhi Municipal Corporation(Medical College) Hindu Rao Hospital) are eligible for Internal seats of 50% in Central Institutes (VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, ESIC-Basaidarapur)

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by MCC

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)

The counseling process for admission into various programs will encompass four distinct rounds: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, and the Stray and Special Stray Vacancy Round. In accordance with the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India's directives, as per the orders dated 12.12.2022 and 16.12.2021 in the case of "SLA (C) No. 10487 of 2021 in the matter of Nihila P.P. v/s MCC & Ors.," all four rounds will be conducted online by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC). This approach ensures a transparent and accessible counseling process for all candidates.

Following the Supreme Court's approval, no seats will revert to the participating states after Round 2, marking a significant change in the counseling process. The Mop-up Round will now be recognized as Round 3 from the 2023-24 session onwards. The candidate is now allowed to upgrade seat from second round to 3 rd (mop up) round.It is crucial for candidates to make informed decisions regarding their participation in Round 3 of MCC counseling, as withdrawal from this round will not be permitted. Additionally, candidates accepting a seat in Round 3 will be ineligible for any further counseling rounds.

To facilitate a seamless transition between rounds and ensure optimal seat allocation, data will be shared between the Centre and the States. Any candidate listed in the allotments will be excluded from the All India Stray Vacancy Round to maintain the integrity of the counseling process.

For seats designated as JAIN MINORITY/MUSLIM MINORITY/NRI, any vacancies remaining after Round 3 will convert to UR MANAGEMENT Private Deemed University seats. This conversion only occurs after all eligible candidates for JAIN MINORITY/MUSLIM MINORITY/ NRI seats have been considered, ensuring no seat goes unfilled and maximizing educational opportunities for all students.


RoundsTypes of CounsellingMode
Round 1- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Round 2- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Round 3 (earlier MOPUP)- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Stray Vacancy Round- - By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
Special Stray Vacancy Round -Online - Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNBOnline
In light of the above directions, as passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) of DGHS, MoHFW, shall conduct the counselling for the Stray Vacancy Round of 100% (ALL) seats of Deemed Universities

Fees to be paid at the time of registration

Payment Scheme for different categoriesNon- Refundable (Fees)Refundable (Security Deposit)
Unreserved (UR/EWS candidates)Reserved (ST/SC/OBC/PwD)Unreserved (UR/EWS candidates)Reserved (ST/SC/OBC/PwD, Applicable-jain/ muslims)
AIQRs. 1000/-Rs.500/-Rs. 25000/Rs. 10000/-
Deemed UniversityRs. 5000/-Rs. 5000/Rs. 2,00,000/-Rs. 2,00,000/-
For examples
Example 1: Any SC candidate opting for AIQ will pay registration fee of Rs 500/- + Rs. 10,000/- (Refundable Security Deposit.)
Example 2: Any Unreserved candidate opting for AIQ will pay registration fee of Rs 1000/- + Rs. 25,000/- (Refundable Security Deposit.)
Example3: Any candidate opting for Deemed Universities will have to pay registration fee of Rs 5000/- + Rs 2,00,000/- (Refundable Security Deposit)

Reservation Policy for 15% All India Quota seats:

The Reservation Policy of the Central Government for the NEET-UG Counselling in All India Quota is as follows:

S.C.- 15%

S.T.- 7.5%

O.B.C.- (Non-Creamy Layer) as per the Central OBC list- 27%

EWS- as per Central Government norms- 10%

PwD- Horizontal Reservation as per NMC norms- 5%

NOTE:- Reservation of seats under PWD Category is 5% in AIQ & as per NMC norms (Gazette Notification no. MCI-34(41)/2018-Med./170045 dated 04/02/2019). For range of disabilities included, please see Annexure ‘1’.

Guidelines for NRI Seat Allocation during MCC Counseling

The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has established specific criteria for Non-Resident Indian (NRI) seat allocation as per the directives issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. According to the verdict in W.P. No. 689/2017 - Consortium of Deemed Universities in Karnataka (CODEUNIK) & Anr. vs. Union of India & Ors. on August 22, 2017, candidates qualifying as NRIs are eligible for NRI category seats. This eligibility extends to Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), and Foreign Nationals, who may only apply for NRI-designated seats.

Indian Nationals seeking to be reclassified to the sponsored NRI category must adhere to the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)'s requirements, including the timely submission of necessary documents upon request. Candidates are encouraged to stay informed on the process through official Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) communications to ensure compliance and secure their eligibility for NRI seat consideration during the counseling sessions.

First Round:- (MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (Free Exit Round) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Notification for counseling process
NRI Status with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
Main counseling Registration which will include payment of Non-refundable Registration fee and Refundable Security Deposit (to be refunded only in the account from which payment has been made)
Process of Seat Allotment Round-1
Publication of result of Round-1 on MCC website, mandatory uploading of essentials documents on MCC website for seat allotted candidates.
Physical Reporting at the allotted Medical/Dental College with original documents against Round-1 (one)
Options for an allotted candidate :-
Candidates who have been allotted a seat in round one (1) can opt for free exit and can directly participate in round two.
Candidates who have allotted a seat in round one (1) can opt for willingness to upgrade from round 1 to round 2 only after physical reporting at college/institute.
If a registered candidate is not allotted a seat in round one (1), he can participate in round 2 directly without fresh registration.
Candidates willing to upgrade from Round 1 to Round 2 have to report at the allotted institute/college with original documents of round 1 and complete the admission formalities. During the completion of admission formalities, if the candidate wishes to upgrade then he/she has to give willingness for upgradation in the college
Note: MCC of DGHS will share the data of joined candidates in round 1 , round 2, round 3 of counselling with all the participating States. Similarly, the participating States will also share the data of joined candidates.

2nd Round :-(MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (No Free Exit Round ) Fresh Registration for 2ND ROUND (not required for earlier registered candidates) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Notification for counseling process
NRI Status with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
New/fresh Registration for Round-2 is to be done by those candidates who -Have not registered in Round-1 (with full payment of fees)
Candidates who have Resigned / Not reported in Round-1 need not register again.
Fresh Choice filling and locking of choices for Round-2.
Publication of result of Round 2 on MCC website, mandatory uploading of essential documents on the MCC website for seat allotted candidates.
Options for an allotted candidate:-
If a candidate participates in round-2 for and is not upgraded he/she may resign from his first round seat within two (2) days of the result declaration without forfeiture of the security deposit
Physical Reporting with original documents at the allotted Medical/Dental College/Institute against Round 2.
If a candidate freshly registered in round 2 is not allotted a seat, he/she can participate in round 3 directly without fresh registration
If upgraded in Round 2, the candidate must take relieving from the Round 1 seat and join the Round 2 seat
Candidates getting upgraded in Round 2 Shall NOT have any claim on the Round 1 seat

Following Candidates allotted seats in round 2, are eligible to exit with forfeiture of Security deposit

  1. Candidate who are fresh allotted seat but want to leave seat and participate in further rounds
  2. Candidates upgraded but not joining from round one (1) before round 3 registration.
  3. Candidates who joined the college/institute and then resigned.
Candidates who have been fresh allotted a seat in round 2 can opt for willingness to upgrade from round2 to round 3, for which first they will have to physically report at the Round 2 allotted college/institute
Note: MCC of DGHS will share the data of joined candidates in round 1 , round 2, round 3 of counselling with all the participating States. Similarly, the participating States will also share the data of joined candidates.

CONVERSION ALGORITHM (applicable in third round)

8NRI/Jain Minority/Muslim MinorityUR
(*) Conversion algorithm: The conversion of seats will be carried out during the third (earlier Mop Up) Round for AIQ, Deemed, Central Universities/Institutes and DNB. Accordingly, the candidates are required to keep this aspect also in mind while filling up the seats during choice filling period before allotment third Round. The conversion of vacant reserved seats will be done as per the following algorithm:

Round-3 Start (earlier known as MOP –UP ROUND) :- (MD/MS/DNB/MDS)(No Free Exit Round) Fresh Registration for Round 3(not required for earlier registered candidates) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Fresh Registration with payment of registration fee for Round-3.

Fresh/New Registration Round 3 for those candidates who

  • Have not registered in Round-1 or Round 2 (with full payment of fees).
  • Have Resigned from Round 2 need to fill fresh choices with full payment of fees.
Who registered in Round-2 and exited with Forfeiture of fees without joining can register again with fresh payment of fees.
Those who registered but were not allotted a seat in Round-1 & Round-2 need not register again
Exercising of Fresh Choice filling and locking of choices
Publication of result of third Round on MCC website, mandatory Uploading of essential certificates on MCC website.
Physical Reporting at the Allotted Medical/ Dental College/institute after third Round with original documents.
Options for an allotted candidate :-
If upgraded, the candidate must take relieving from Round 2 seat and join Round 3 seat. Once joined, he cannot upgrade or resign from this third round seat.
If any candidate does not join Round 3 seat, he may exit with forfeiture of security deposit and elimination (cannot participate in further rounds of counseling conducted by MCC, DGHS)
If a candidate freshly registers in round 3 and is not allotted any seat, he/she is eligible to participate in stray/further rounds.
Candidates getting upgraded in Round 3 shall Not have any claim on earlier round allotted seat
Note: MCC of DGHS will share the data of joined candidates in round 1 , round 2, round 3 of counselling with all the participating States. Similarly, the participating States will also share the data of joined candidates. Candidates who have joined in round 3 of state will be filtered and weeded out before processing for AIQ Stray Vacancy round of counselling.

Stray vacancy: (MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (No Free Exit Round) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

Fresh registrations and fresh choice filling for Final Stray Vacancy Round. The choices filled during third round will not be considered for allotment in Stray VacancyRound.
Eligibility of Candidates: who are not holding any seat or did not participate in Round- 1 and round 2. (AIQ, State, Deemed) can participate in the Stray Vacancy Round.
Candidates who were fresh allotted seats in round 3 and did not join cannot participate in Stray Vacancy Round.
Data will be shared between Centre and States after Round 3 of states and if any candidate has his/her name in the list provide by State after round 3, then such candidates shall be eliminated from counseling before processing for All-India Stray VacancyRound
For Deemed Universities the Stray Vacancy Round will be conducted by MCC of DGHS, MoHFWas per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India vide order dated 12.12.2022 passed in I.A NO. 132614/2022 IN W.P (c) NO. 267/2017 in Dar-us Slam Educational trust and Ors. vs.Medical Council of India & Ors.”
If a candidate is allotted a seat in Stray round, he/she has to report & join the allotted seat/college else he/she shall be debarred from NEET PG /MDS examination for subsequent 1 (one) year along withforfeiture of security deposit.

Special Stray vacancies:- (MD/MS/DNB/MDS) (No Free Exit Round) (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes/DU/DNB)

NOTE:- The Special Stray Vacancy Round is conducted exclusively to fill any seats that remain vacant even after the Stray Vacancy Round. This round is a final attempt to ensure that no seat goes unfilled, providing one last opportunity for candidates to secure a position in their desired college or course.

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected]) (*NRI seat openings during the counseling rounds are contingent on the availability of NRI vacancies.)
  • Seat matrix Special Stray vacancies
  • Exercising of “Fresh Choice filling” and Locking of choices
  • Seat allotment Special Stray vacancies
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
If a candidate is allotted a seat in SPECIAL Stray round, he has to join the allotted seat/college. If the candidate does not join the allotted seat, he/she shall be debarred from NEETUPG/MDS examination for 01 Year along with forfeiture of fees.

What documents are required at the time of joining in allotted Medical / Dental College?

Original documents required at the time of joining in allotted Medical/Dental College are as mentioned below:
Allotment Letter issued by MCC (Essential document)
Admit Card issued by NBE (Essential document) Result/Rank Letter issued by NBE (Essential document)
High School/Higher Secondary Certificate/Birth Certificate as proof of date or birth. (Essential document)
Mark Sheets of MBBS/BDS 1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd Professional Examinations. (Essentialdocument)
MBBS/BDS Degree Certificate/Provisional Certificate. (Essential document) Internship Completion Certificate/Certificates from the Head of Institution or College that the candidate shall complete the Internship by 31st March, of the year of admission. (Essential document)
Permanent / provisional Registration Certificate issued by MCI or DCI/State Medical or Dental Council. Provisional Registration Certificate is acceptable only in cases where candidate is undergoing internship and likely to complete the same on or before 31st March of the year of admission. (Essential document)Essential document
Candidates allotted seat must carry one of the identification proofs (ID Proof) to the allotted college at the time of admission (as mentioned in the information Bulletin published by the National Board of Examinations (NBE) for NEET i.e. PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID, Passport or Aadhar Card). (Essential document)
The Candidate should also bring the following certificates, if applicable (Essential document)
SC/ST Certificate issued by the competent authority (in the format as specifiedin the Information Bulletin) and should be in English or Hindi language. Sub caste should be clearly mentioned in the certificate. The translated certificate must be certified by a Gazetted Officer. (Essential document)
EWS Certificate as per the Central Govt. Norms (in the format as specified inthe Information Bulletin) and should be in English or Hindi language. The translated certificate must be certified by a Gazetted Officer. (Essential document)
OBC certificate issued by the competent authority. The sub-caste should tally with the Central List of OBC. The OBC candidates should not belong to Creamy Layer. The OBC certificate must be in the format as mentioned in the prospectus. The translated certificate must be certified by a Gazetted Officer. (Essential document)
Disability Certificate issued from a duly constituted and authorized Medical Board for twenty one (21) Benchmark Disabilities as per the Rights of Persons with Disability Act,2016 and NMC Norms. No other PwD certificate, issued by any other Authorities/ Hospital will be entertained. The format of Certificate of Disability is annexed in the Information Bulletin. (Essential document)
NOTE: -Candidates without original certificates/ documents shall not be allowed to take admission in allotted Medical / Dental College. Candidates who have deposited their original documents with any other Institute / College/ University and come for admission with a certificate stating that “their original certificates are deposited with the Institute / College / University” shall not be allowed to take admission in allotted Medical/Dental College

SEAT MATRIX OF Medical Counselling Committee(MCC) FOR THE YEAR 2023-24:

QuotaOpenOpen PwDGeneral- EWSGeneral- EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSCSC PwDSTST PwDTotalSeats
All India1012061411127

Allotment PDF LINKS for the year UG 2023-24 Counselling :

MCC NEET 2023-2024
Information bulletin neet (ug) 2023Click
Seat Matrix AIQClick
Seat Matrix AIIMSClick
Seat Matrix final ESIC insured personClick
Seat Matrix jipmerClick
Stray Vacancy Round AllotmentClick
Special Stray Vacancy Round AllotmentClick

CUTOFF AIQ(MCC) 2022-23: Government Medical College, Srinagar

RankAllotted CategoryRankAllotted CategoryRankAllotted Category
198830Open PwD
569585SC PwD
(MCC- AIQ) NEET-UG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 MOP-UP Round PDF - CLICK HERE

CUTOFF AIQ(MCC) 2023-24: Government Medical College, Srinagar

RankAllotted CategoryRankAllotted Category
68383SC1084097OBC PwD
118235Open PwD
1003017ST PwD



ROUND 1 Provisional Selection List of candidates of UT of J&K / Ladakh for NEETMBBS/BDS courses 2023-24CLICK HERE
ROUND 2 Provisional Selection List of candidates of UT of J&K / Ladakh for NEETMBBS/BDS courses 2023-24CLICK HERE
MOP-UP ROUND Provisional Selection List of candidates of UT of J&K / Ladakh for NEETMBBS/BDS courses 2023-24CLICK HERE

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.

Fee Structure

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Bemina, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - 190010

phone: 0194-2504114

email: [email protected]


Apply Now

Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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