Government Medical College, Dindigul

Govt Est. 2021Dindigul, Tamil Nadu

Government Medical College, Dindigul

Government Medical College, Dindigul is a medical college located in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India. Government Medical College, Dindigul is affiliated with the Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University and is recognized by the Medical Council of India. Government Medical College, Dindigul was established in the year 2021 and offers undergraduate courses in medicine (MBBS) and paramedical courses such as nursing and allied health sciences. The college has a well-equipped infrastructure with modern facilities, including a library, laboratories, lecture halls, and an auditorium. The faculty of the college consists of experienced and qualified professors, doctors, and other healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing quality education and training to the students. The college also has tie-ups with various hospitals and healthcare organizations for clinical training and practical experience for the students.

Number of Seats in MBBS Government Medical College, Dindigul
M.B.B.S.The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical UniversityGovt.2021150

Government Medical College, Dindigul Contact Details :-

AddressGovernment Medical College, 1, Nallampatti Road, Adiyanoothu Village, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu - 624003 Dindigul
Email[email protected]
UG Admissions

Government Medical College, Dindigul, MBBS NEETUG Counseling is conducted by 1) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)( Open To All )and 2) Directorate Of Medical EducationTamilnadu (State Domicile)

AIQ (Medical Counselling Committee(MCC) )SQ Directorate Of Medical Education

1 ) MCC (Medical Counselling Committee)(15%) (Open To All)

The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) under the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) is tasked with conducting counseling for a diverse range of medical seats across the country. This includes 15% All India Quota (AIQ) seats, 100% seats in Deemed Universities, Central Universities (such as Delhi University, Aligarh Muslim University, and Banaras Hindu University, including their Institutional/Domicile Quotas), Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) medical colleges, Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) for the registration part, and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (including VMMC & SJH, ABVIMS & RML, and ESIC Dental, Delhi) covering both 15% AIQ and 85% Institutional Quota. Furthermore, MCC/DGHS handles 100% of the seats in AIIMS and JIPMER, as well as B.Sc. Nursing courses in Central Institutes.

The primary responsibility of the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)of DGHS is the allotment of seats to participating candidates based on their merit and personal choices. This crucial process commences only after the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) receives the list, data, or information of successful candidates from the National Testing Agency (NTA), which is the body responsible for conducting the NEET (UG) examination. Through this well-structured and transparent counseling process, Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) ensures that candidates are matched to their preferred institutions in a fair and merit-based manner, facilitating their journey towards becoming future healthcare professionals.

Seat Matrix:-


Eligibility Condition:

  • The candidate should have qualified under NEET-UG eligibility.
  • Domicile-free Counseling (Open to all)

Step Wise Counseling Process conducted by Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)

The counseling process for admission into various programs will encompass four distinct rounds: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, and the Stray and Special Stray Vacancy Round. In accordance with the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India's directives, as per the orders dated 12.12.2022 and 16.12.2021 in the case of "SLA (C) No. 10487 of 2021 in the matter of Nihila P.P. v/s MCC & Ors.," all four rounds will be conducted online by the Medical Counseling Committee (MCC). This approach ensures a transparent and accessible counseling process for all candidates.

Following the Supreme Court's approval, no seats will revert to the participating states after Round 2, marking a significant change in the counseling process. The Mop-up Round will now be recognized as Round 3 from the 2023-24 session onwards. It is crucial for candidates to make informed decisions regarding their participation in Round 3 of AIQ/Deemed/Central Universities counseling, as withdrawal from this round will not be permitted. Additionally, candidates accepting a seat in Round 3 will be ineligible for any further counseling rounds.

To facilitate a seamless transition between rounds and ensure optimal seat allocation, there will be data sharing between the Centre and the States. Any candidate listed in the allotments will be excluded from the All India Stray Vacancy Round to maintain the integrity of the counseling process.

For seats designated as JAIN MINORITY/MUSLIM MINORITY/NRI, any vacancies remaining after Round 3 will convert to UR MANAGEMENT Private Deemed University seats. This conversion only occurs after all eligible candidates for JAIN MINORITY/MUSLIM MINORITY/ NRI seats have been considered, ensuring no seat goes unfilled and maximizing educational opportunities for all students.

RoundsTypes of CounsellingMode
Round 1- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/InstitutesOnline
Round 2- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/InstitutesOnline
Round 3 (earlier MOPUP)- (By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC))AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/InstitutesOnline
Stray Vacancy Round- - By Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/InstitutesOnline
Special Stray Vacancy Round -Online - Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/InstitutesOnline

Reservation Policy for 15% All India Quota seats:

The Reservation Policy of the Central Government for the NEET-UG Counselling in All India Quota is as follows:

S.C.- 15%

S.T.- 7.5%

O.B.C.- (Non-Creamy Layer) as per the Central OBC list- 27%

EWS- as per Central Government norms- 10%

PwD- Horizontal Reservation as per NMC norms- 5%

NOTE:- Reservation of seats under PWD Category is 5% in AIQ & as per NMC norms (Gazette Notification no. MCI-34(41)/2018-Med./170045 dated 04/02/2019). For range of disabilities included, please see Annexure ‘1’.

Guidelines for NRI Seat Allocation during MCC Counseling

The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has established specific criteria for Non-Resident Indian (NRI) seat allocation as per the directives issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. According to the verdict in W.P. No. 689/2017 - Consortium of Deemed Universities in Karnataka (CODEUNIK) & Anr. vs. Union of India & Ors. on August 22, 2017, candidates qualifying as NRIs are eligible for NRI category seats. This eligibility extends to Overseas Citizens of India (OCI), Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), and Foreign Nationals, who may only apply for NRI-designated seats.

Indian Nationals seeking to be reclassified to the sponsored NRI category must adhere to the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)'s requirements, including the timely submission of necessary documents upon request. Candidates are encouraged to stay informed on the process through official Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) communications to ensure compliance and secure their eligibility for NRI seat consideration during the counseling sessions.

First Round:- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU,Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • Options for an allotted candidate
  1. “Satisfied with the allotted seat and candidate is willing to report to the allotted college, not interested in further allotment of seats in any subsequent round for any discipline”.
  2. The candidate is satisfied with the allotted seat but wishes to participate in the next round. Such candidates should pay the prescribed fees
  3. The candidate is not satisfied with the present allotment and wishes to participate in the next round of counselling. The previously allotted seat is forfeited and offered to the next eligible candidate
  4. Not satisfied with MCC allotted seat and candidate has got seat elsewhere, so candidate is quitting and not to be considered for allotment of seats in any of the further rounds

2nd Round :- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes)

Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-AIQ, Deemed, CU, DU,Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix display
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download the allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit) (Exit With Forfeiture of Fees )( Upgradation is available For Round 3 only.)
  • Reporting at the Medical Institutions/university against 2nd Round (candidates once joined the allotted seat against 2nd Round are not allowed to vacate the seat)

3rd Round:- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes)
Fresh Registration for Mop-up Round (not required for earlier resigned candidates)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU,Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)
  • Reporting To The College

Stray vacancy: (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU,Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)
  • Reporting To The College

Special Stray vacancies:- (AIQ, Deemed University, Central University/Institutes)

  • Notification for counseling process
  • NRI application with appropriate documents to be mailed for opening NRI portal ([email protected])
  • Registration fee varies as per the Filling of application form for-Deemed, CU, DU,Central Institutes, AFMS
  • Seat matrix
  • Choice filling
  • Seat allotment
  • All allotted students must download allotment letter
  • If Allotted (No Free Exit)
  • Reporting To The College

Allotment PDF LINKS for the year UG 2023-24 Counselling :

MCC NEET 2023-2024
Information bulletin neet (ug) 2023Click
Seat Matrix AIQClick
Seat Matrix AIIMSClick
Seat Matrix final ESIC insured personClick
Seat Matrix jipmerClick
Stray Vacancy Round AllotmentClick
Special Stray Vacancy Round AllotmentClick

MCC AIQ CUT-OFF 2023-24 List Admitted Candidates

------------------MCC-AIQ Cut off 2023-24------------------

2.)Tamilnadu Counseling is conducted by the Directorate Of Medical Education Government Medical College, Dindigul

The medical aspirants seeking MBBS/BDS admission at Tamil Nadu. will have to register themselves for the Directorate Of Medical Education admission section for the admission process by filling out their application form. Tamil Nadu, MBBS/BDS admission 2020 is done on the basis of marks secured in NEETUG. Candidates who will qualify NEETUG Examand meet the eligibility requirements can only register and fill the application form for Directorate Of Medical EducationMBBS / BDS admission. Directorate Of Medical Education counseling is conducted in Three rounds (Round 1, Round 2, and Subsequent MOP UP rounds). Seat selection for Government Seats and for Management quota seats will be through web counseling.

Eligibility For Admission

  • 12th or (10+2 Equivalent) with Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English for UR & 40% for SC/ST/OBC.

Minimum Qualifying Percentile as per NEET UG Eligibility Criteria

CategoriesMinimum Qualifying Marks
General/GEN-EWS50th percentile marks in the qualifying exam
OBC/SC/ST Category40th percentile marks in the qualifying exam
Persons With Disabilities45th percentile marks in the qualifying exam


  • Candidates should have completed the age of 17 years at the time of admission or should complete that age on or before 31st December of that year.

Government Seats (State Quota)


Candidates seeking admission to MBBS / BDS Degree Courses in Tamil Nadu Government Medical / Dental Colleges, Government seats in Self-Financing Medical / Dental Colleges and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K. K. Nagar, Chennai affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University can access the application form from the following official websites.
Candidates should submit their filled in online application form after uploading the details in the required fields. The cost of application form is Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) (non-refundable) and should be paid through online Bank payment portal in the websites. The candidates applying under Special category should pay an additional fee of Rs.100/- (nonrefundable) for each special category via Bank payment portal.

GOVERNMENT Prospectus 2022-23


GOVERNMENT SEAT : The Act states as follows, Government” means the State Government

Al the seats in M.B.B.S., B.D.S., BSMS, BASMS BUMS and BHMS courses in Government Colleges, excluding the seats reserved for all India quota; and
65 per cent of seats in M.B.B.S., B.D.S., BSMS, BASMS BUMS and BHMS courses in non-minority educational institutions and 50 per cent of seats in minority educational institutions, or the seats as arrived at in accordance with the consensus between such institutions and the Government;


Candidates should be Native of Tamil Nadu.
The Certificates who claim their Nativity as Tamil Nadu, should submit their nativity certificate issued by the competent authority of Government of Tamil Nadu and supported by a photocopy of Passport / Ration Card / Birth Certificate. If the copy of the supporting document is not produced, then the application form will be rejected. Nativity Certificate submitted after the deadline will also be summarily rejected.
Candidates belonging to other States and residing in Tamil Nadu cannot claim nativity of Tamil Nadu.
Candidate who has appeared for NEET UG as a native of other State, cannot apply as a native of Tamil Nadu.
Permanent Residence Certificate in lieu of Nativity Certificate will not be accepted
Nativity Certificate should be submitted with application alone will be accepted and sending the Nativity Certificate separately will not be entertained

Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu and have studied from Standard VI to Standard XII in schools of Tamil Nadu should also produce Nativity Certificate and Community Certificate issued by the competent authority along with the true copies of certificates of either one of the parents such as any one of (Aadhar Card / Driving Licence / Ration Card / Passport) and any one of (SSLC / 10th, 12th Mark Sheet or Transfer Certificate). In case, parents are not literate, then No Graduation Certificate for parents or First Graduation Certificate of the candidate, from the competent Revenue Authority should be enclosed. The Community Certificate of either one of the parent should be enclosed to claim Communal Reservation.

If candidates do not submit the above mentioned certificates and even if he/she had studied Standard VI to Standard XII completely in Tamil Nadu, the candidate will be considered under Open Category only.

Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu, but have studied from VI Standard to XII Standard outside Tamil Nadu either partly or completely in one or more States should produce the Nativity Certificate and Community Certificate issued by the competent authority along with the true copies of either one of the parents certificates such as any one of (Aadhar Card / Driving Licence / Ration Card / Passport) and any one of (SSLC / 10th, 12th Mark Sheet or Transfer Certificate). In case, parents are not literate, then No Graduation Certificate for parents or First Graduation Certificate of the candidate, from the competent Revenue Authority should be enclosed. The Community Certificate of either one of the parent should be enclosed to claim Communal Reservation.

If the candidates do not submit the above mentioned certificates, then the candidate’s application will be summarily rejected.

Such candidates applying in the category 5(h) of this prospectus should also give an undertaking that they have not applied for any Educational Institution in any other State, claiming the nativity of such State for admission. If it is found later that the candidate has applied as a native of any other State other than Tamil Nadu, then the admission will be cancelled at any stage. Further, during the course of study even if it is subsequently found that any candidate has produced a false nativity certificate or given a false undertaking, it will result in expulsion of the candidate from the course and also initiation of criminal proceedings against the candidate as well as his/her parents as per provision of the law
Candidates who are native of other States but studied their schooling from VI Std to XII Std, continuously in Tamil Nadu, have to produce their School Bonafide Certificate from School in which he/she studied Std VI to XII, to be considered under the Open Category
Community Certificate obtained from other States will not be considered for reservation. NOTE: This nativity clause is subject to the outcome of the Writ Petitions (W.P.Nos.23656, 23547, 24217, 25565, 28140, 28778, 28779 and 23950 of 2017) pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras

COMMUNITY CERTIFICATE: Candidates should produce Community Certificate obtained from the Revenue authorities with competent jurisdiction as detailed below:

Name of the CommunityIssuing Authority
Scheduled Tribe (ST)Revenue Divisional Officer of their native place or Sub-Collector of their Districts (except Chennai) or P.A (General) to Collector of Chennai. The Community Certificate card issued by Tahsildars up to 11.11.89 is valid
Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Caste– (Arunthathiyars) ( SCA)Tahsildar of Native Taluk of the Candidate
Backward Class / Backward Class (Muslim) (BCM) / Most Backward Class /De notified Communities (MBC & DNC)Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar / Zonal Deputy Tahsildar / Deputy Tahsildar (Certificates)
The candidature of ST candidate claimed after submission of application without ST Community Certificate will be treated as Open category.
If a candidate of Tamil Nadu origin obtains community certificate from other state, he/she will be considered under Open Category.
If a candidate submits a false / fabricated Community Certificate, Nativity Certificate or any other Certificate, if it is found at a later point during the course of the study, it will result in expulsion of the candidate from the course and also legal proceedings / criminal action will be initiated against the candidate and their parents as per provision of law.


Rank List of the candidates (Common Rank List) shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET-UG) for MBBS / BDS Degree Courses for the academic year . Separate rank lists for candidates under Special Category shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET-UG ) for MBBS / BDS Degree Courses for the academic year
  1. Special Categories (Children of Ex-serviceman, Person with Benchmark Disability and Eminent Sports Person)
  2. 7.5% Government School Category (candidates seeking admission under the Tamil Nadu Admission to Undergraduate Courses in Medicine, Dentistry, Indian Medicine and Homeopathy on preferential basis to students of Government Schools Act, 2020 - Tamil Nadu Act No.34 of 2020).


Category ASeats in Government Medical Colleges
Category A1ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K. Nagar, Chennai
Category BGovernment Quota Seats in Self Financing Medical Colleges.
Category CSeats in Government Dental Colleges.
Category DGovernment Quota seats in Self - Financing Dental Colleges.

Rule of reservation by the Government of Tamil Nadu as follows:-

Open Competition31 %
Backward Class30 %
Most Back ward Class20 %
Scheduled Caste18 %
Scheduled Tribe01 %
Within the 30% reservation for Backward Classes, 3.5% will be provided for Muslims.
16% of seats out of the 18% quota earmarked to Scheduled Caste shall be allocated to the Arunthathiyar Community as per Tamil Nadu Act No.4 of 2009 dated 12.03.2009


The candidates selected for admission to MBBS / BDS Degree Courses and his / her parent/guardian will have to execute an Agreement Bond during admission to the College as prescribed in Annexure-IX. Failure to execute the Agreement Bond will lead to cancellation of selection
The candidates who discontinue the course on or after ------ (dates will be intimated later) of the year of admission and on any date of subsequent years should pay a sum of Rs.10, 00, 000/- (Rupees Ten Lakh Only) as penalty.


Code No.Special CategorySeats reserved in Government Medical Colleges for MBBSSeats reserved in BDS in Government Dental Colleges
01Children of Ex-servicemen101
02Eminent Sportsperson71
03Persons with Benchmark disabilities5%5%

SEAT MATRIX OF 15% AIQ Medical Counselling Committee(MCC) FOR THE YEAR 2022-23: Government Medical College, Dindigul

InstituteProgramQuotaOpenOpen PwDGeneral- EWSGeneral- EWS PwDOBCOBC PwDSCSC
Total Seats
Government Medical College,
MBBSAll India912060301022

MCC AIQ CUT-OFF 2022-23 List Admitted Candidates Government Medical College, Dindigul

Government Medical College, Dindigul MCC-AIQ Cut off 2022-23
(MCC- AIQ) NEET-UG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 Round 1 PDF - CLICK HERE
(MCC- AIQ) NEET-UG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 Round 2 PDF - CLICK HERE
(MCC- AIQ) NEET-UG Counselling Seats Allotment -2022 MOP-UP Round PDF - CLICK HERE

Seat Matix for Government seat in Government College 2022-23 :

Tentative vacancy position for mbbs / bds course Click
Tentative vacancy position for mbbs / bds course (7.5% reservation) Click

Cut off link for Government seat in Government College 2022-23 :

Provisional List of Allotted Candidates
ROUND 1 MBBS - 2022 - 2023 - SESSION (7.5% RESERVATION) 20.10.2022Click
ROUND 1 MBBS/BDS (Government Quota) on - 28.10.2022click
ROUND 2 GOVERNMENT QUOTA (7.5%) - MBBS/BDS Course 2022 - 2023 SessionClick
ROUND 2 MBBS/BDS (Government Quota) on - 24.11.2022Click
Extension of Round-2 MBBS/BDS (Government Quota 7.5%) on - 08.12.2022Click
Extension of Round-2 MBBS/BDS (Government Quota) on - 08.12.2022Click
MOP UP ROUND MBBS/BDS (Government Quota 7.5%) on - 15.12.2022Click
MOP UP ROUND MBBS/BDS (Government Quota) on - 15.12.2022Click
Extended MOP UP ROUND MBBS/BDS (Government Quota) on - 19.12.2022Click
Extended MOP UP MBBS/BDS (Government Quota 7.5%) on - 19.12.2022Click

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.


The mode of fee to be remitted at the time of getting provisional allotment order is detailed below:

CategoryCommunityAmount of Online Payment
(in Rs.)
(Tuition Fee)
Allotment for Govt.


Tuition Fee: 6,000/- Special Fee : 2,000/- (including Medical Exam) Caution Deposit : 1,000/- Library Fee : 1,000/- University Fee : 7,473/- LIC (Group Insurance) : 300/- Red Cross : 100/- Miscellaneous Fee : 100/- Flag Day : 100/-=Total :18,073/-

SC / SCA / ST12,073/-
Allotment for Govt.
OC / BC / BCM / MBC16,073/- Tuition Fee : 4,000/- Special Fee : 2,000/- (including Medical Exam) Caution Deposit : 1,000/- Library Fee : 1,000/- University Fee : 7,473- LIC (Group Insurance) : 300/- Red Cross : 100/- Miscellaneous Fee : 100/- Flag Day : 100/- = Total :16,073/-
SC / SCA / ST12,073/-
Allotment of Govt.
(Persons with Bench
Mark Disabilities)
OC / BC / BCM / MBC /
12,073/- (Vide G.O. (Ms.) No.30, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons Department., Dated: 28.06.2010)

Allotment for Self
Financing Colleges

OC / BC / BCM / MBCTotal Fee fixed by Committee
on Fixation of Fee
SC / SCA / ST (Whose parents’
annual income is higher than 2.5
Total Fee fixed by Committee
on Fixation of Fee
SC / SCA / ST (Whose parents’
annual income is less than 2.5
(Exempted from payment of Fee and Security Deposit)
Scheduled Caste Converted to
Christianity (whose parents’ annual
income is higher than 2.00 lakh
Total Fee fixed by Committee
on Fixation of Fee
Scheduled Caste Converted to
Christianity (whose parents’ annual
income is less than 2.00 lakh
(Exempted from payment of Fee and Security Deposit) )
ESIC Medical College, K.K. Nagar, Chennai : Rs.1.00 lakh (wards of I.P. Rs.24,000/-)

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Dindigul, Tamil Nadu

Dindigul, Tamil Nadu - 624003

phone: 9841236486

email: [email protected]


Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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