Faculty of Dentistry, Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital

Govt Est. 1980Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu

The Faculty of Dentistry, Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai Nagar, is a Govt College, Established in the year of 1980, The College is affiliated to Dr.M.G.R Medical University with the annual intake of 113 seats.

College NameEst. YearIntake Capacity
Faculty of Dentistry, Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital1980113


Faculty of Dentistry
Annamalai University Annamalainagar-608 002
Tel Number: 04144-238071
E-mail: [email protected]

Website:- https://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/

UG Admissions

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS/BDS) in Tamil Nadu

The medical aspirants seeking MBBS/BDS admission at Tamil Nadu. will have to register themselves for the Directorate Of Medical Education admission section for the admission process by filling out their application form. Tamil Nadu, MBBS/BDS admission 2020 is done on the basis of marks secured in NEET. Candidates who will qualify NEET Examand meet the eligibility requirements can only register and fill the application form for Directorate Of Medical EducationMBBS / BDS 2020 admission Directorate Of Medical Education counseling is conducted in Three rounds (Round 1, Round 2, and Subsequent MOP UP rounds). Seat selection for Government Seats and for Management quota seats will be through web counseling.

Eligibility For Admission
1. Qualification:

  • 12th or (10+2 Equivalent) with Minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English for UR & 40% for SC/ST/OBC.
  • Minimum Qualifying Percentile as per NEET 2020 Eligibility Criteria
CategoriesMinimum Qualifying Marks
General/GEN-EWS50th percentile marks in the qualifying exam
OBC/SC/ST Category40th percentile marks in the qualifying exam
Persons With Disabilities45th percentile marks in the qualifying exam
  • Candidates should have completed the age of 17 years at the time of admission or should complete that age on or before 31st December of that year.
  1. Candidates should be Native of Tamil Nadu.
  2. Candidates belonging to Native of Tamil Nadu and having studied from Standard VI to Standard XII in schools of Tamil Nadu need not submit their “Nativity Certificate”. However, such candidates should produce true copies of their parent’s certificates such as Birth Certificate, Ration Card SSLC / 10th / 12th / Degree / Diploma / Professional course. In case, parents are not literate, then No Graduation Certificate for parents, from the Revenue Authority of competent jurisdiction, to substantiate their parent’s place of birth in Tamil Nadu and also “Parent’s Community Certificate to claim the communal reservation”. If the candidates do not submit the above mentioned certificates, then the candidates will be considered under Open Category only.
  3. Candidates belonging to other States who are residing at Tamil Nadu cannot claim nativity of Tamil Nadu and they will be considered under Open Category.
  4. The other State candidates who are not native of Tamil Nadu and have studied from Standard VI to XII in Tamil Nadu will be considered under Open Category.
  5. Permanent Residence Certificate in lieu of Nativity Certificate will not be accepted.
  6. Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu, but studied from VI Standard to XII Standard outside Tamil Nadu either partly or completely in one or more States should produce the true copies of their parent’s certificates such as Birth Certificate, Ration Card, SSLC / 10th / 12th / Degree / Diploma / Professional course. In case, parents are not literate, then-No Graduation Certificate for parents, from the Revenue Authority of competent jurisdiction, to substantiate their parent’s place of birth in Tamil Nadu and also “Parent’s Community Certificate to claim the communal reservation”. If the candidates do not submit the above-mentioned certificates, then the candidate’s application will be summarily rejected. (g) Nativity Certificate obtained prior to the last date of receipt of filled in the application alone will be accepted and sending the Nativity Certificate separately will not be entertained.

Government Seats (State Quota)

Means and includes seats in Government colleges and Government share of seats in Private colleges.

  • A total number of MBBS / BDS seats available in the Government Medical / Dental Colleges, 15% of the seats are surrendered to All India Quota and the remaining 85% of seats are allotted to State Quota for the academic year .whereas in I.R.T. Medical College, Perundurai, Erode District, the Government has sanctioned an annual intake of 100 students of which 30 seats earmarked for the wards of I.R.T. employees of the State Transport Corporation and Institute of Road Transport Corporation members who are contributing to the Corpus Fund, which will be done ahead of general category counseling.

*NEET 2020-Out of 3647 seats from 27 Government Colleges 547 seats got filled through AIQ (All India Quota) and the remaining 3100 got filled through State counseling process.

  • The online of application form for admission to MBBS/BDS Degree in Tamil Nadu Government Medical / Dental Colleges, I.R.T. Medical College, Perundurai, Erode, Government seats in Self- Financing Medical / Dental Colleges affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Rajah Muthiah Medical / Dental College affiliated to the Annamalai University, Chidambaram and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai can be accessed from the following official websites:
  1. www.tnhealth.org
  2. www.tnmedicalselection.org
  • The apportionment of seats shared between Government and Management in unaided Self-Financing Medical Colleges and Dental Colleges in Non-Minority Institution is 65:35 and in Minority Institution is 50:50.

Rule Of Reservation By The Government Of Tamil Nadu As Follows:-

  1. Open Competition – 31 %
  2. Backward Class – 30 %
  3. Most Backward Class – 20 %
  4. Scheduled Caste – 18 %
  5. Scheduled Tribe – 1 %
  • Within the 30% reservation for Backward Classes, 3.5% will be provided for Muslims and 16% of seats out of the 18% quota earmarked to Scheduled Caste shall be allocated to the Arunthathiyar Community.

Categories Of Seats

Category A - Seats in Government Medical Colleges.

Category B

  1. B1. Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
  2. B2. I.R.T Medical College,Perundurai, Erode
  3. B3. ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai.

Category C - Government Quota Seats in Self Financing Medical Colleges.

Category D - Seats in Government Dental College.

Category E-Government Quota seats in Self Financing Dental Colleges.

  • Number Of Seat Reserved Special Categories
  1. Children of Ex-servicemen -10 (MBBS) 1(DENTAL)
  2. Eminent Sportsperson- 7 (MBBS)1 (DENTAL)
  • 10% of total seats in specified Government Medical / Dental Colleges reserved for economically weaker section ( EWS ) Category

Procedure For Filling And Submission Of Online Application Form:

The candidates are advised to take a print out of the Prospectus from the official websites and read it carefully, along with the parent/guardian before filling up the online application form for the academic year

(i) The candidate should log in to any one of the following websites:

  1. www.tnhealth.org
  2. www.tnmedicalselection.org

The application forms will be available online

(ii) Candidates should submit their filled-in online application form by uploading the details in the required fields. After filling up of the required fields in the online application, candidate should download the filled in application and submit the same along with the required enclosures to the following address:


(iii) Request for change in any particulars after submitting the online application form shall not be entertained under any circumstances.

(iv) If any original documents are enclosed along with the online application form, it will not be returned, and the Selection Committee is no way responsible for those documents. The candidates are instructed to enclose only photocopies of the following certificates along with the filled in the online application form.

(a) NEET- UG Admit card and Scorecard.

(b) Class X Mark Sheet (both sides of Mark Sheet should be photocopied)

(c) Class XI Mark Sheet (both sides of Mark Sheet should be photocopied).

(d) H.S.C. Mark sheet (both sides of the mark sheet should be photocopied) or any other equivalent examination.

(e) Transfer certificate obtained after the completion of H.S.C. or equivalent courses.

(f) Certificate for proof of study from VI std. to XII std.

(g) Nativity certificate for the candidates who have partly studied outside Tamil Nadu from Standard VI to Standard XII along with supporting documents as mentioned in Clause 5(f).

(h) The candidate who is native of Tamil Nadu and have studied from 6th Std. to 12th Std. in schools of Tamil Nadu should submit supporting documents of the parent’s certificates as mentioned in Clause 5(b).

(i) Permanent Community Certificate Card.

(j) First Graduate Certificate (if applicable). The candidate who claims the benefit of a First Graduate should submit their certificate issued by the competent authority to their respective Colleges on securing the admission. The candidate who claims the benefit of a First Graduate should submit their certificate issued by the competent authority to their respective Colleges on securing the admission.

(k) Special Category Form with an additional fee of Rs.100/- via Bank payment portal or by means of Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai with relevant certificates for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, Eminent Sports Person (in person) and ExServicemen, if applicable.

(l) All the entries in the online application form should be filled by the candidate carefully. The candidate should ensure that all information including the marks in the qualifying examination furnished by him/her in the application and the enclosures are correct. The candidate is informed that after proper scrutiny of his/ her application, the marks furnished by him/her in the application are not correct or any other information is found to be incorrect, then;

(a) He / She will forfeit the admission, no matter at what stage of the course, he/she will be at that time;

(b) He / She will be debarred from pursuing any other course for a period of three years;

(c) Legal proceedings / criminal action will be initiated against the candidate along with their parents for furnishing false Mark Sheet / false Community Certificate / false Nativity Certificate.

(m) Even if the candidate is provisionally selected for the MBBS / BDS admission but found to be failed in +1 examinations, the provisional admission of the candidate stands automatically cancelled.

(i) Instructions for filling the Online Application Form:

a) The candidate and the parents/guardian must ensure his / her eligibility criteria before submitting the online application form. The candidates are instructed to go through the Prospectus carefully and be clear about all the instructions with regard to the submission of the online application form.

(b) The candidate should fill in the complete postal address with the pin code and with a valid phone number (Mobile) for future correspondence.

(c) The application form other than the one filled in online mode will not be accepted, under any circumstances. A candidate should log in to any one of the following websites to access the application form for MBBS / BDS Courses 2019-2020. www.tnhealth.org www.tnmedicalselection.org Candidate should fill the following particulars in the online application form:

  1. Name
  2. Permanent / Address for communication
  3. Gender
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Nationality and Nativity
  6. Community and Caste
  7. Religion
  8. Aadhaar Number
  9. Qualifying Examination
  10. Name of School Education Board
  11. State / District of Class X, XI & XII / Equivalent
  12. Year of passing Class X, XI, XII / Equivalent
  13. Statement of Marks / Grade / Percentage of Class XII
  14. NEET – Roll Number, Register Number and Score
  15. Medium of Instruction
  16. Total annual Income
  17. Parents Occupation
  18. Parents Educational Qualifications
  19. Civic details
  20. Undergoing/completed any professional courses
  21. Special Category

a) Candidate should have scanned images of their latest photograph (size of 10 kb to 50 kb) and signature (size of 4 kb to 20 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only, for uploading as part of the submission of online application.

b) The candidates should affix their signature in the appropriate box given in the online application form in running handwriting. Placing initials as a signature is not acceptable. Writing full name in the box in capital letters would not be accepted as a signature and the application form would be rejected.

c) The candidates must ensure that photograph and signature are uploaded in the respective fields.

(ii) Incomplete applications without enclosures will be rejected (Education certificates, Community, Nativity, Photograph, and Signature)


1. (i) Method of payment through Debit Card, Credit Card / Net banking :

(a) Necessary facilities have been provided for making payment through nationalized banks via bank payment portal or by means of Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai10” payable at Chennai.

(ii) Candidates must note that mere deduction of fee from the Bank account is not a proof of fee payment.

(iii) Check the validity of the Debit / Credit Card / Net banking and keep it ready with you while logging on to the website for submitting the application form. Candidate should enter the information asked for and make payment through Debit / Credit Card.


The candidates can make payment of Rs.500/- towards the cost of application fee through the Demand Draft in favour of the Secretary, Selection Committee, Directorate of Medical Education, Chennai-10.

NOTE: (i) Processing charges will also be paid by the candidate for online payment of fee through Debit / Credit Card / Net Banking along with applicable taxes by the respective Banks. Details of the same are available on the official websites, www.tnhealth.org and www.tnmedicalselection.org.

(ii)The candidates must note that after submission of the online application form, it cannot be withdrawn. Claims for refund of the cost of application, if any, arised due to double-time payment should be substantiated with proper evidence to the Secretary, Selection Committee, Directorate of Medical Education, Kilpauk, Chennai.-10

Community certificate:

(a) Candidates should produce a Community Certificate obtained from the Revenue authorities with competent jurisdiction as detailed below:

(b) If a candidate of Tamil Nadu origin obtains Community Certificate from other State, it will be considered under Open Category.

(c) If a candidate submits a false/fabricated Community Certificate, Nativity Certificate or any other certificate, if it is found at a later point during the course of the study, it will result in the expulsion of the candidate from the course and also legal proceedings / criminal action will be initiated against the candidate and their parents as per provision of law.


Rank List of the candidates shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET-UG) for MBBS / BDS Degree Courses for the academic year

. The Secretary, Selection Committee will publish the tentative rank list on the official

  1. www.tnhealth.org
  2. www.tnmedicalselection.org

Method Of Selection And Admission:

(i) The admission shall be made on the basis of National Eligibility – cum - Entrance Test NEET-UG 2019 score for MBBS / BDS Degree Courses for the year 2019-2020 through Single Window system following the rule of reservation for the State Quota seats in Government Medical / Dental Colleges and Government Quota seats in Self Financing Private Medical / Dental Colleges, I.R.T. Medical College, Perundurai, Erode affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental College affiliated to Annamalai University, Chidhambaram and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai.

(ii) Merely appearing and qualifying in NEET (UG) does not confer any right to the candidate for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses. The selection and admission to MBBS / BDS seats in any Medical Institution recognized for MBBS / BDS Courses is subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, rank in the merit list, medical fitness, and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the Government of India, respective State Institutions and Medical / Dental Colleges.

(iii) Candidate’s eligibility for MBBS / BDS Courses is purely provisional and is subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria as prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu as applicable.

(iv) AR Number (Application Registration Number) will be assigned by the Selection Committee on receipt of the filled-in online application form.

(v) The Government Orders issued and to be issued from time to time pertaining to any of the matters contained in this prospectus should be read as part and parcel of this Prospectus and such terms and conditions in the Government Order are deemed to have been incorporated in this Prospectus.

FIRST PHASE OF COUNSELLING: The counseling schedule will be available on official websites.

(i) The candidates should pay a non-refundable amount of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) towards processing fees by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai on the scheduled date of counseling.

(ii) The candidates can download the call letter and appear in person with all the original certificates to the venue as per the schedule.

(iii) The candidates who have selected the seats in the first phase of counseling after certificate verification should receive the allotment order. Candidates should join the course on or before the date mentioned in the allotment order.

(iv) The candidates who have been allotted seats and failed to join the course within the stipulated time are not eligible to attend the subsequent phases of counseling for the academic year. This is applicable to all phases of counseling.

(v) The candidates who have failed to appear in person for the first phase of counseling are deemed to have been opted out from the processes of counseling and that he/she will not be allowed to take part in the subsequent phases of counseling for the academic year.


When a candidate is scheduled to attend the second phase of counseling, then the candidate has to pay the processing fee. The candidates who are waitlisted/allotted need not pay the processing fee.

(i) Re-allotment / allotment for the vacancies arising due to not joining of the candidates allotted under State Quota and the unfilled seats from the All India Quota in Government Medical Colleges and newly created seats will be done on the basis of the rank following the rule of reservation.

(ii) During the second phase of counseling, candidates will be permitted to opt for the course/college as per rank and by following the rule of reservation from rank one.

(iii) The candidates who have failed to appear in person for the second phase of counseling are deemed to have been opted out from the processes of counseling and he/she will not be allowed to take part in the subsequent phases of counseling for the academic year 2019-2020.

(iv) The candidates can download the call letter and attend the counseling.

(v) The candidates who have selected the seats in the second phase of counseling after certificate verification should receive the allotment order. Candidates should join the course on or before the date mentioned in the allotment order.

(vi) If a candidate fails to join the College within the stipulated time, he/she will not be permitted to participate in the subsequent phases of counseling.


I. If time permits, mop-up counseling will be done. The venue for the Counselling will be notified later by the Selection Committee at the appropriate time. Candidates will be permitted to opt for the course/college as per rank by following the rule of reservation from rank one subject to the availability of sufficient time before the cut-off date as prescribed by the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India.

II. Candidates who have joined/waitlisted from the first and second phases of counseling and as per mop-up counseling schedule are eligible to participate in the mop-up counseling.

III. The candidates who have selected seats in the mop-up counseling should join in the respective colleges. If he/she fails to join in the specified time and date in the respective college, it will be considered as discontinued and the candidate should pay the penalty as per Clause 15(a).

  1. The Selection Committee reserves the right to cancel the allotment order, in case of suppression or misrepresentation of facts and production of falsified / bogus certificates by the candidates.
  2. The Selection Committee will not be responsible for the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India approvals, infrastructure, and the rules and regulations of the Self Financing Private Medical / Dental Colleges. Hence, candidates are advised to go through the respective college websites and satisfy themselves before giving their option for selection of seats by the candidate. The Selection Committee shall neither be responsible nor shall entertain any case on the above grounds.
  3. MBBS / BDS Seats in Government / Self Financing Medical / Dental Colleges are subject to routine renewal and approval of the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India. Therefore, allotment will be made to the Colleges for which Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India / Government of India / Government of Tamil Nadu / The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University permission is available on the date of counseling. Allotment will also be made for the newly sanctioned colleges, if any, within the cut-off date.
  4. The seat matrix for Government Medical and Dental Colleges and Govt. Quota seats in Self Financing Medical / Dental Colleges will be released on the website before counseling and any addition of Colleges / Seats will be displayed at the time of counseling.
  5. Conditions laid down in this Prospectus are also applicable for the candidates who seek admission in Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental College which is affiliated with the Annamalai University, Chidhambaram, I.R.T. Perundurai Medical College, Erode and ESIC Medical College, and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.
  6. Any existing/new college getting recognition from the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India will be included at the time of counseling.


(a) 15% of the total seats in each Government Medical Colleges and I.R.T Medical College, Perundurai, Erode and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai and Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram and Tamil Nadu Government Dental College are reserved for All India Quota.

(b) If MBBS / BDS seats earmarked for All India Quota are unfilled by the Director-General of Health Services, New Delhi, then such unfilled seats will be added to the State seats. These unfilled seats will be filled up by the candidates from the rank list.


(a) The candidates who discontinue the course on or after the last date of allotment of seats (which will be intimated later) should pay the Discontinuation Fee of Rs.1,00,000/- / Rs.10,00,000/- whichever is applicable as per the dates, by means of Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai.

(b) If a candidate selects a seat in the final phase of counseling and does not join the course within the stipulated time, then the candidate has to pay the penalty as discontinuation fee by means of Demand Draft drawn in favor of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai and has to forfeit the Tuition fee also.

(c) The admission to MBBS / BDS Degree Courses will close on the cut-off date of admission as per the guidelines issued by the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India.


All candidates selected for admission to first-year MBBS / BDS Degree Courses should take the Hepatitis - B – Vaccine before admission and produce a certificate as in Annexure - XI.

Tamil Nadu Government And Private Medical / Dental CollegesSeat-Sharing Arrangement
State QuotaManagement Quota (general and minority)Management NRI QuotaAll India Open Category
Government College100%--
Private College65%35%
Private Minority Institution50%35%15%
Christian Medical College, VelloreNIL84% (Minority Network Category & CMC Vellore Staff quota)16%
ESIC Medical College AND PGIMSR, Chennai80% (20% MCC COUNSELING)

*For latest updates, the candidates are instructed to remain in touch with the official websites,www.tnhealth.org, www.tnmedicalselection.org frequently from the date of application till the end of the admission process. SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 2020 EXAMINATION FINAL YEAR BDS DEGREE COURSE-click here

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.


Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu

Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu - 608002

phone: 04144-238071 / 04144 238 068

email: [email protected]

website: https://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/


Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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