Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital

Private Est. 2006Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar

The Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar, is a Private College, Established in the year of 2006, The College is affiliated to Utkal University with the annual intake of 100 seats.

Hi-Tech Dental College & Hospital in Bhubaneswar seems to offer a robust and comprehensive environment for dental education, combining both practical and theoretical learning components. With 260 dental chairs and the latest in dental technology, the college is well-equipped to provide hands-on experience in dental care. This focus on practical training is further enhanced by the availability of the latest dental materials for various clinical procedures, catering to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The institution's commitment to a high-quality learning experience is evident in its infrastructure. The presence of a centrally air-conditioned library and lecture halls equipped with the latest audio-visual aids supports a conducive learning atmosphere. Moreover, the phantom head labs for pre-clinical training allow students to practice dental procedures in a controlled environment before moving on to real-life applications. Seminar and Continuing Dental Education (CDE) rooms facilitate further learning and professional development.

Accommodation and logistics are well-thought-out, with hostel facilities available for both male and female students. The provision of transport from the hostel to the institution adds convenience, ensuring students can focus on their studies and extracurricular activities without worrying about commuting.

Overall, Hi-Tech Dental College & Hospital appears to offer an excellent educational setting that balances academic rigor with practical experience, all within a supportive infrastructure designed to foster learning and personal growth. This environment not only prepares students for their future careers in dentistry but also ensures they have a well-rounded college experience..

College NameEst. YearIntake Capacity
Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar2006100

Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar Contact Details :-

AddressHi-Tech Medical College & Hospital, Pandara, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751025
Phone0674-2370875 (HI-TECH DENTAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL) | 91-674-2541317 / 2541318 (Corporate Office)
Email[email protected]
Website https://hi-techdentalbbsr.org/
UG Admissions

Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) Conducts MBBS NEETUG Counseling Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar

Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) Conduct Counseling shall be done for 85% of total seats in Government Medical/Dental Colleges and for all seats of Private Medical / Dental Colleges. Counseling shall be done by a Committee consisting of following members: Chairman OJEE, Vice-Chairman OJEE, Secretary OJEE, and three Members (Addl. Director, o/o DMET Odisha, and two other Members).There were four rounds( round 1 ,round 2, round 3) of counselling including spot counselling.

Eligibility For NEETUG (MBBS/BDS) Counseling by Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

The candidates must be of 17 years of age as on 31.12.2021 and there will be no upper age limit.
The candidates must be permanent natives of Odisha, OR Children of All India Civil Service officers serving in state of Odisha cadre.
The candidate must have passed +2 Sc. and in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually and must have secured minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry & Biology at +2 Sc. level for General Candidate (GE), 40% for SC/ST candidates and 45% for benchmark disability candidates (PC-GE). The required mark for Physically Challenged candidate of SC/ST category is 40%.

NRI means the children or wards of a person of Indian origin residing outside India. Such candidates have to submit the following documents in support of NRI

  1. .Documents claiming that the sponsorer is an NRI (Passport, Visa of the sponsorer)
  2. Relation of NRI with the candidate as per the court order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in case W.P.(c) No. 689/2017- Consortium of Deemed University in Karnataka (CODEUNIK) & Ans. Vs Union of India & Ors. Dated 22-08-2017.
  3. Affidavit from the sponsorer that he/ She will sponsor the entire course fee of the candidate duly notarized.
  4. Embassy Certificate of the Sponsorer (Certificate from the Consulate)

RESERVATION NEETUG (MBBS/BDS) Counseling by Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

CategoriesSeats Reserved
Scheduled Tribe (ST)12%
Scheduled Caste (SC)8%
Physically Challenged (PC)5% of each category
Ex-Servicemen (ES)3%
Green Card Holders (GC)5%
State Government Schools (SG)15%
Since there is no OBC category in the State, such candidates will be considered in General Category and the minimum qualifying marks shall be (40 th percentile)
The ST/SC candidates must produce caste certificate from Odisha State only to get the privilege of reservation in the category in Odisha. (Vide GoI letter No. BC/16014/1/82 /SC & BCD/ Dated 22.02.1985).
Candidates claiming seats under SG (State Government Schools) reservation category must have passed their 10th Board Examination under the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha from Government High Schools and also have passed the 12th Board Examination under the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha from any Government Higher Secondary School/Government Junior College.
Candidates claiming under PC category must undergo test by Medical Board constituted for the purpose. Candidates with benchmark disability as per Graduate Medical Education Regulations 1997 amended up to May 2018 shall be followed.
Candidates, who are natives of state of Odisha and wish to claim reservation under Ex-Serviceman (ES) category, must submit their relevant documents to Rajya Sainik Board, Bhubaneswar only within schedule date and time. After proper verification, Rajya Sainik Board, Bhubaneswar of Odisha will send the list of valid candidates to OJEE for getting reservation under ES category. No claim/certificate shall be entertained by OJEE directly from candidates. Candidates, whose parents are continuing in defense service are not eligible for reservation under this category.
Candidates claiming reservation under Green Card (GC) must be permanent natives of Odisha and shall have to produce original green cards of their parents issued by Government of Odisha only. They must not have taken the privilege of it before. The date of birth & name in the card must match exactly with that in HSC certificate. In case of mismatch, the candidates will be considered in GE category only. Tampered or mutilated green cards are not acceptable.
Candidates who wish to claim seats under EWS category have to mention the same during registration. Such candidates have to produce EWS Certificate (Income & Asset Certificate) from Tahsildar/ Additional Tahsildar.

Steps to Fill Odisha MBBS Admission Application Form NEETUG (MBBS/BDS) Counseling by Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

Step1Head to the official OJEEB website at ojee.nic.in.
Step2On the front page, select the Odisha NEET UG Counselling option
Step3Complete the Registration process and get yourself login to your account- Registration means creating own username and password for logging in to the online counseling site.
Step4Fill the application form correctly and make the payment- Registration means creating own username and password for logging in to the online counseling site. required documents for online verification. All the documents will be uploaded in pdf format only. The size of pdf files will be mentioned against each document. (The documents to be uploaded must be clearly readable and the file name should not contain any special character)
Step5After making the payment of the application form, download the application form for future reference
NOTEDuring document verification, query may be raised by the Verifying Officers depending on the observations. Therefore, candidates must check their email ID regularly during counselling for any message. The query raised must be complied within 24 hours of raising of the query. Otherwise, the document verification will be cancelled and the candidate will not be placed as a registered candidate in the State Merit List.
In case any candidate is found to have provided any false information or certificate etc. or is found to have withheld or concealed any information, his/ her application shall be rejected and admission will be cancelled and legal action, as deemed proper, will be initiated against him/her. Besides, the same candidate will not be allowed to participate in the admission process for next three academic years.

Procedure Of Online Counselling NEETUG (MBBS/BDS) Counseling by Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

Publication of Final State Merit List of Registered Candidates
Choice Filling and Locking
Invitation for Query, if any, related to Provisional Allotment
Publication of 1 st Round Allotment and Downloading of Allotment Letter
Provisional Admission by Paying Admission Fees and Reporting at OJEE Cell, Gandamunda with original documents and signed bond. *
Withdrawal (Resignation) from Admission Process
Display of Vacant Seats, if any
Registration and Online Application and Uploading of Documents for Online Verification for 2nd round : Candidates, who are already registered and in the merit list, but unallotted in 1st round and candidates who were allotted seats in 1st round but did not report for admission, should not register again.
Publication of Revised State Merit List
Choice Filling and Locking by Newly Registered Candidates : ROUND1 already register must fill and lock choices afresh, as their previously filled choices will be null and void.
NOTE:- Candidates, who after taking admission in the first round, have exercised the option of freeze or float, are not required to and thus shall not be given the option to do any additional choice filling for the second round. Candidates who have given ‘freeze’ as option, will retain their first round allotments, while the allotments of the candidates who have given ‘float’ as their option may be upgraded or retained depending on their rank and the availability of seat as per choice.
2nd Round Provisional Allotment
invitation for Query, if any, related to Provisional Allotment
Publication of 2nd Round Allotment and Downloading of Allotment Letter
Provisional Admission by Paying Admission Fees and Reporting at OJEE Cell, Gandamunda with original documents and signed bond. *
Withdrawal (Resignation) from Admission Process
Registration and online Application
Publication of Revised State Merit List
Choice Filling and Locking by Newly Registered Candidates : ROUND2 already register must fill and lock choices afresh, as their previously filled choices will be null and void.
3RD Round Provisional Allotment
invitation for Query, if any, related to Provisional Allotment
Publication of 2nd Round Allotment and Downloading of Allotment Letter
Provisional Admission by Paying Admission Fees and Reporting at OJEE Cell, Gandamunda with original documents and signed bond. *
Withdrawal (Resignation) from Admission Process
Schedule of Spot Round Counselling for Admission into MBBS/BDS Courses
Candidates who have taken admission at the end of All INDIA 3 rd round Counselling are not allowed to participate in state counselling. Candidates who have taken admission at the end of State 3 rd round Counselling are not allowed to resign.
The candidates who have taken admission in 1st/ 2 nd or 3rd round of counselling (All India/ State) are not eligible to participate in Spot Counselling. (As per the directives of Hon’ble Supreme Court and guidelines of MCI)
Admission will be declared closed as and when seats are exhausted.
Mail id of OJEE2023: [email protected] Website: www. ojee.nic.in, www.odishajee.com

Option For Freeze Or Float in Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

● Freeze: if a candidate chooses to freeze the option that means they are confirmed for the allotted seat.
● Float: if a candidate chooses to float the allotted seat that means the candidate will pay the fee but they float for more options.
ROUND 1 (The allotted candidate should exercise the option for Freeze or Float using login id)
If a candidate is allotted a seat in any round of counseling as per his / her 1 st choice and takes admission for that seat, then he/she cannot participate in subsequent rounds of counseling. If allotment is not as per 1st choice, then he/she can decide whether or not to participate in subsequent round for improvement only. (Candidate can opt for Freeze or Float).
Candidates, who after taking admission in the first round, have exercised the option of freeze or float, are not required to do any additional choice filling for the second round and thus shall not be given a fresh option for filling choices. Candidates who have given ‘freeze’ as option, will retain their first round allotments, while the allotments of the candidates who have given ‘float’ as their option may be upgraded or retained depending on their rank and the availability of seat as per choice.
ROUND 2 (The allotted candidate should exercise the option for Freeze or Float using login id)
“Guidelines for MBBS/BDS Counselling”, after completion of the 2nd round of counseling, upgradation / internal sliding among existing candidates, who have given willingness as to be in float option, will be processed before the ROUND 3. Hence, all the candidates want to be in the upgradation process in the internal sliding must exercise their option of freeze/float carefully.

List Of Documents Require for NEETUG (MBBS/BDS) Counseling by Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

Scanned copies of the following documents need to be uploaded during the process of online registration
Class 10th Certificate (for Date of Birth verification)
Class 12th Marksheet
Class 12th Certificate
NEET-UG Rank Card
.Nativity Certificate (proof of being Native of Odisha
Certificate to Claim Reservation, if any (SC/ST/GC/EWS) Note that candidates interested for Reservation under Physically Challenged (PC) and Ex-Serviceman (ES) categories are required to report at their respective boards as mentioned in the guidelines and need not upload any document in their support.

Seat Matrix For Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar 2023 For NEETUG (MBBS/BDS) Counseling by Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE)

Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar

CUT OFF 2023 MBBS FOR Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar

CUTOFF RANK FOR ROUND 1 Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar
AIR (NEET RANK)State RankQuotaAllotment
887632159 OPNO - Unreserved
1113642368 OPGC - Unreserved -Green Card
1602472669 OPEX - Unreserved Ex-Servicemen
2073492839 SCNO - SC
3391653234SGSSCNO - SC
5713263709 STNO -ST
7768623951SGSOPNO - Unreserved
CUTOFF RANK FOR ROUND 2 Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar
AIR (NEET RANK)State RankQuotaAllotment
1123212373 OPNO - Unreserved
1275062478 OPEX - Unreserved Ex-Servicemen
1790412739 OPGC - Unreserved -Green Card
2468382979 SCNO - SC
3746703331.1SGSSCNO - SC
6832163860 STNO
7825023955NRIOPNO - Unreserved
9693204141SGSOPNO - Unreserved

Essential PDF documents related to the NEET UG 2023 counseling at the Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) are available for reference:-

Seat Matrix of MBBS/BDS course for the Session 2023-24

Note: The Admission Process is written as per the ordinance of the official Counselling Agency.

State QuotaNRI Quota
Hi-Tech Dental College & Hospital300000Four times of the above fees

Note: The Fee Structure is as per the Notification of the official Counselling Agency, Please visit the official website in subject to any changes.


Pandra, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751007

phone: 06742371217 / 0674-2371406, 2371407

email: [email protected]

website: www.hi-techdentalbbsr.org


Note: The apply-now form facilitates students (from pan India- rural, urban, and distant corners) to apply to various colleges, automatically forwarding their details to the respective institutions via email. ICCC is not liable for any responses from the colleges.

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